Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blood Wedding #5

Some archetypes I found were characters were not given a specific name. Also, he shows how the society is, such as roles of women and the values that lead to a marriage. I believe the generic names are used to show the individualism of the characters. Even though most characters do not have a specific name, they still all have a distinct difference from each other. The only character with a specific name is Leonardo, and this name means lion which furthers his separation from other characters. Lorca is portraying that Leonardo has the strength to sway a woman into loving him again, which he emphasizes through giving the character the name, Leonardo. Thus, I believe Lorca sides with the fact that women are not the kind and loving person that society expects them to be. Lorca also shows that marriage can be detrimental if it is based off of one's social status, but rather marriage should be decided on whether you truly have affection and love for that person. Lorca shows this through the Bridegroom and the Bride's marriage falling apart.

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