Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Journal #3

Examples of stylistic attributes from Their Eyes were Watching God:

1) Hurston's use of consonance: "'He's uh whirlwind among breezes' Jeff Bruce threw in. 'Speakin' of winds, he's de wind and we'se de grass. We bend which ever way he blows'" (Hurston, 49).

2) Hurston's use of symbol: "Tain't no use in scufflin' over all dese stumps and roots in de dark (Hurston, 44).

3) Hurston's use of personification: "The porch laughed" (Hurston, 53).

4) Hurston's use of imagery: "They's jus' some puny humans playin' round de toes uh Time"( Hurston, 54).

5) Hurston's use of a simile: " By that time Matt was wringing and twisting like a hen on a hot brick (Hurston, 58).


1) Zora Neale Hurston uses consonance in this passage to reinforce the influence that Joe Starks has on the people of Eatonville. Hurston emphasizes that the people of the town bend, or follow, what Joe does and says. Wind is used because it is powerful and represents Joe's strength and leadership. Also, wind could be an allusion to God because of it's invisibility and powerfulness.

4) Hurston uses imagery not only in this passage, but throughout the book to help illuminate that the people sitting on the porch are lesser people. Hurston uses the word puny to describe them as lower people. Interestingly enough, time is capitalized. Hurston wants time to be a reference to God, and how the porch sitters are messing with God, as well. Joe likes having the image of power and to be looked up to by others, so when he sees Janie talking to porch sitters he doesn't like it at all because it hurts his image as the mayor.  

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